Bug#584836: Bug in libgnupg-interface-perl fixed in revision 59010

intrigeri intrigeri at boum.org
Sat Dec 25 17:05:57 UTC 2010


I have been intensively using libgnupg-interface-perl from
experimental (0.42.002-1) since it has been uploaded and I did not
experience any regression vs. 0.42.

Considering it "only" fixes half a dozen bugs with normal priority it
is of course too late in the freeze process to push this to Squeeze.

OTOH I sincerely believe this package would deserve being made
available to sid users. Considering the non-dev upstream releases
timing of this dist, I am not sure waiting for the next one before
pushing these bug fixes to unstable is the best way to serve Debian

Thanks for you work!

  intrigeri <intrigeri at boum.org>
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