Bug#589214: Acknowledgement (libdata-validate-ip-perl: Request update to v0.11)

Warren Halstead halsteaw at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 20:43:29 UTC 2010

I installed the .08 version using apt. It broke a script I wrote.
Investigation showed that what I was using when I wrote the script on
another system was v0.11 (a newer version)

I looked for v.11 and did not see it (I overlooked it in testing/unstable).

So I wrote the bug requesting upgrade of the pkg in stable.

When I looked at the bug, I saw the graphic in the upper right hand
corner indicating v.11 is in testing/unstable, so I updated the ticket
with my "oops!" and stated that I have used v.11 before and have not
had any problems.

So, close the ticket if you wish, I'm unsure what finally gets a
package pulled from testing/unstable to stable.



On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 4:37 PM, gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 16:19:45 -0400, Warren Halstead wrote:
>> And for the record, I over looked ver 0.11 in the testing/unstable category.
>> I have used it and I have not had any problems.
> I'm not really sure what your request is about.
> Stable has on older version, but that's normal per definition -- when
> it's released it doesn't get any new versions. And the current
> version is already in testing and unstable.
> There's nothing we can do about it; the only possibility that comes
> to mind is creating a package for backport, iff the version from
> testing can't be used in stable; but if I understand your second mail
> correctly, that's working fine.
> Please don't hesitate to tell us if I'm mis-understanding the current
> situation!
> Cheers,
> gregor
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