Questions on creating libunicode-collate-perl and removing it from perl-modules

Ansgar Burchardt ansgar at
Sun Oct 31 08:42:24 UTC 2010


[ Redirected to debian-perl at l.d.o which we use for discussions,
  mails on pkg-perl-maintainers@ are easily missed. ]

"Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)" <danai.saehan at> writes:
> For the Biber package I need a more recent Unicode::Collate version,
> and wish to create a libunicode-collate-(xs)-perl package and remove
> it from perl-modules (a Debian bug report will be created once I have
> my package ready).

There is no need to remove it from perl-modules.  We already have
several Perl modules that are shipped in both perl/perl-modules and a
separate package, for example libversion-perl.  This does not cause any
problems as they are installed in different locations and the perl
interpreter will load the separate packaged modules first.

You should still notify the perl maintainers so they can include your
package in the Provides field and older versions in the Conflicts field
(that is older versions than included in perl-modules itself).

> The package contains two configurations, one with XS, another without
> (see source at [1]).  There is no separate XS package, and the
> XS-enabled version has the same Perl namespace as the XS-disabled
> version.
> [...]
> I am inclined to only create a package for the XS-enabled version, and
> call it "libunicode-collate-xs-perl", but I wish to have the opinion
> of the other Debian Perl packagers.

I would just package the XS-enabled version.  As far as I know, the
pure-perl versions are usually only included because they are easier to
debug and install (in case there is no C compiler).


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