Bug#571664: (no subject)

Nicholas Bamber nicholas at periapt.co.uk
Wed Sep 29 12:23:54 UTC 2010

As discussed on other bugs on this package, the API has been 
intentionally changed upstream. It seems that HTML::CalendarMonth has 
already been changed to handle this:

1.23  Sat Jun 12 21:12:45 EDT 2010
        - Updated interface with DateTime::Locale (will eventually
          require another update when Locale::CLDR is released
        - Deprecated offsets; too much complexity for little gain
        - Fixed week-of-year bug in end-of-year edge cases (first
          week has higher number than the next) RT #53795
        - Made row globbing optimize on row elements if possible
        - Updated default HTML style to be more CSS friendly (inspired
          by RT #37548)
        - Added option for semantic CSS classes on cells (past, present,
          future) ala RT #37549
        - Updated test data
        - Improved date tool auto detect
        - Fixed Date::Manip parse error for negative day deltas
        - Doc updates
        - Test updates
        - Added linux 'ncal' harness

As such I am going to tag this as wontfix and I intend to close it at a future date. 

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