Bug#624508: ExtUtils::Install is patched in perl but not in the separate package

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Fri Apr 29 06:48:27 UTC 2011

Package: libextutils-install-perl, perl

The perl package has carried a change to ExtUtils::Install since forever.


This should be reviewed and applied also to the separate
libextutils-install-perl package and/or upstream if found necessary,
or removed from the perl package otherwise.

There's little point in patching the core version if the patch gets
overridden when installing the separately packaged version.

It looks like the only relevant change in the above bundle is

 * Respect umask during installation, and set as appropriate for each of
   perl, vendor and site (policy requires group writable site dirs).

but I haven't looked at this very hard.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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