Bug#629291: Background behind removal of Test::SimpleUnit from CPAN?
Michael Granger
ged at FaerieMUD.org
Mon Aug 22 16:37:33 UTC 2011
On Aug 20, 2011, at 11:30 AM, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> When looking at the Debian package of Test::SimpleUnit, I notice that
> it had disappeared from CPAN. I assume that this is just a question of
> you not wanting to support it any more, but I wondered if you could
> confirm, or provide any more details?
I guess so; I haven't actually supported it or even used Perl for anything serious in close to five years now. I seem to remember hearing that they were going to purge code that hadn't been updated in a while at some point, so that's likely what happened.
Sorry about that. If you (or anyone else) wants to resurrect it and maintain it, I'd be happy to transfer it to them.
Michael Granger <ged at FaerieMUD.org>
Rubymage, Architect, Believer
The FaerieMUD Consortium <http://www.FaerieMUD.org/>
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