Bug#652331: libapache2-mod-perl2: FTBFS with apache2-mpm-event: tests hang

Stefan Fritsch sf at sfritsch.de
Sun Dec 18 10:34:29 UTC 2011

On Friday 16 December 2011, Niko Tyni wrote:
> Given this paragraph in the apache2-mpm-event description:
>  This MPM is experimental and less tested than the worker and
> prefork MPMs.
> I think that just a Build-Conflicts declaration would be an
> appropriate fix for this problem on the libapache2-mod-perl2 side.

I agree. MPM event in 2.4 has lots of changes compared to 2.2 and is 
no longer experimental. I would not waste time to debug that problem 
in 2.2's MPM event.

> Ideally the issues should of course be investigated properly and
> fixed in the MPM code where applicable, but I'm not going to work
> on that. Cc'ing the apache2 maintainers. Feel free to
> clone/reassign if you want to track this.

Can you add a comment in your package, that this should be checked 
again once 2.4 is released and in Debian? If it still happens then, a 
but against apache2 would be appropriate.

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