Bug#612083: libdate-manip-perl: ParseRecur breaks for some recur definitions

Chris Butler chrisb at debian.org
Mon Feb 28 16:03:20 UTC 2011

fixed 612083 6.20-1
tags 612083 + squeeze confirmed

On Sat, Feb 05, 2011 at 09:46:27AM -0700, Scott Barker wrote:
> ParseRecur fails on some recur definitions. For example, these:
> all produce the error:
>   Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /usr/share/perl5/Date/Manip/Recur.pm line 1066.

I've just tested this with the newer version of Date::Manip in testing. It
seems it's no longer a problem in that version. According to the upstream
changelog, the code for handling recurrences was redone in version 6.20, so
I'm going to assume that this bug was fixed at that point.

I did also test it on Squeeze, and can confirm that I get the same error. It
seems that week_of_year in Date::Manip::Base is returning undef for some
values, but I've not yet had chance to look further and find out why.

Chris Butler <chrisb at debian.org>
  GnuPG Key ID: 4096R/49E3ACD3

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