Bug#627874: Bug in libconfig-model-perl fixed in revision 76339

pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 23 12:19:22 UTC 2011

tag 627874 + pending

Some bugs are closed in revision 76339
by Dominique Dumont (ddumont-guest)

Commit message:

lintian clean, cowbuilder clean. Ready for review.

* New upstream release:
  * Application changes:
     * models Debian::Dpkg::Copyright::License:
        Allow any license exception keyword (closes: #627874)
     + New model for lcdproc:
        The model for lcdproc (LCDd) is generated from the template
        LCDd.conf file provided by lcdproc project. This model can be
        generated by running Dist::Zilla (when working from Mercurial) or
        by running Build.PL (when working from Config::Model Perl
  * Framework changes:
      * IniFile backend: Do not write twice leaf comments. When check is
        set to 'no', discard data that belongs to unavailable elements
* debian/control:
  + mention lcdproc in description.
  + Added "Enhances: lcdproc"
+ debian/patches: added spelling patch to fix generated lcdproc doc
+ debian/copyright: updated with lcdproc files. Updated my e-mail.

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