Bug#615963: libvendorlib-perl: tilde expansion tests failing

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Tue Mar 8 12:35:58 UTC 2011

-=| gregor herrmann, Sun, Mar 06, 2011 at 10:57:33PM +0100 |=-
> Yup, but setting HOME won't help here.
> > Currently I have not a good idea how to proceed. :(
> Hm, check again in the tests if the directory exists?
> Apart from that I hope that upstream has enough info now to propose a
> fix :)

(repetitive mumbling)

Why not pathcing sbuild so it provides a useful home directory 
(possibly wiped after build)? Seemed like a lot of effort some time 
ago, but having to work around it forever doesn't seem trivial either.

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