Bug#599963: Upstream needs a QEMU image for mips arch

أحمد المحمودي aelmahmoudy at sabily.org
Sat May 21 10:57:48 UTC 2011


  Upstream tried to debug the issue on the squeeze QEMU mips image on 
  http://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/mips/, but it seems that this 
  image is outdated [1], and the build worked fine with him.

  Could someone provide a link for a squeeze or wheezy QEMU mips image 
  on which those bugs actually happen ?
  Another option is that a DD would sponsor for upstream a guest account 
  [2] on one of Debian machines.

[1] http://www.veripool.org/issues/309#note-3
[2] http://dsa.debian.org/doc/guest-account/

 ‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
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