Bug#627865: libnet-ssleay-perl: FTBFS due to dependency cycle (Perl 5.12 migration)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed May 25 14:48:54 UTC 2011

On Wed, 25 May 2011 02:12:18 +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Hi Thorsten,

thanks for your detailed bug report!

> libnet-ssleay-perl Build-Depends: libtest-kwalitee-perl
>   Depends: libnet-ssleay-perl
> And here’s a full cycle. 


> The arch:all packages here come directly from Debian unstable,
> which means they’re all up to date. I wonder why nobody has
> seen that yet… 

Because lwp-protocol-https-perl is just a few days old (split off
from libwww-perl).

> anyway, due to this cycle I cannot recompile
> libnet-ssleay-perl (the only !arch:all package in it) against
> Perl 5.12.

(For m68k, it builds fine on architectures where the perl 5.12
transition is completed but it will break there for the perl 5.14
transition in the same way).

I'm looking into it now, probably dropping the build dependency on
libtest-kwalitee-perl (and disabling the test) at the top of the
chain is the best solution.


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