Bug#643654: munin-node won't listen on ipv4 addresses after upgrading to libnet-server-perl 0.99-3

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Wed Sep 28 11:29:38 UTC 2011

-=| Craig Sanders, 28.09.2011 21:18:26 +1000 |=-
> Package: libnet-server-perl
> Version: 0.99-3
> i've got several systems running munin-node, and those that have had
> munin-node restarted recently are listening ONLY on ipv6.  Those that
> have been running since approx Sep 19 are listening correctly on ipv4.
> ganesh:/etc/munin# netstat -tupan | grep munin
> tcp6       0      0 :::4949                 :::*                    LISTEN      8301/munin-node

I have that too, but I am still able to connect on the regular ipv4 

Are you really unable to connect to the ipv4 addresses?
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