Bug#622917: checkgmail: Missing dependency on libio-socket-ssl-perl

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Wed Aug 1 08:43:08 UTC 2012

* Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil at debian.org>, 2012-08-01, 01:21:
> 52 sub http_connect {
> 53     my($self, $cnf) = @_;
> 54     if ($self->isa("Net::SSL")) {
> 55     if ($cnf->{SSL_verify_mode}) {
> 56         if (my $f = $cnf->{SSL_ca_file}) {
> 57         $ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE} = $f;
> 58         }
> 59         if (my $f = $cnf->{SSL_ca_path}) {
> 60         $ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR} = $f;
> 61         }
> 62     }
> 63     if ($cnf->{SSL_verifycn_scheme}) {
> 64         $@ = "Net::SSL from Crypt-SSLeay can't verify hostnames; either install IO::Socket::SSL or turn off verification by setting the PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME environment     variable to 0";
> 65         return undef;
> 66     }
> 67     }
> 68     $self->SUPER::configure($cnf);
> 69 }
>Which suggests: If you need to verify hostnames, use IO::Socket::SSL.

Correct. It's been always like that with Crypt::SSLeay: if you wanted to 
verify certificates you had to jump through many un(der)documented hops. 
Recently LWP added an extra one...

>Furthermore Net::HTTPS itself prefers IO::Socket::SSL over Net::SSL if 
>it is available.

Right. And that one if straight-forward to use. Ideally, applications 
should stop using Crypt::SSLeay wherever possible.

>At this point now I'm confused and I'm thinking libcrypt-ssleay-perl 
>does not need the dependency on liblwp-protocol-https-perl.

Yeah, it's not Crypt::SSLeay using LWP::Protocol::https, but the other 
way round. Also, I can image that you could you Crypt::SSLeay without 
LWP at all.

>checkgmail Depends on libwww-perl for LWP::UserAgent, which on his turn 
>depends on libnet-http-perl.

It's simpler than that. The Depends chain currently (both in wheezy and 
unstable) is:

checkgmail -> libwww-perl -> liblwp-protocol-https-perl -> libio-socket-ssl-perl

Which makes me wonder how the submitter managed to trigger the bug in 
the first place...

Jakub Wilk

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