Bug#656605: (Fwd) [rt.cpan.org #74192] libnetaddr-ip-perl: ip->addr() should follow RFC5952 Section 2.2 (Zero Compression)
Florian Lohoff
f at zz.de
Fri Jan 27 11:08:24 UTC 2012
On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 01:33:25PM +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:
> tag 656605 + upstream wontfix
> thanks
> ----- Forwarded message from Michael Robinton via RT <bug-NetAddr-IP at rt.cpan.org> -----
> From: Michael Robinton via RT <bug-NetAddr-IP at rt.cpan.org>
> To: gregoa at debian.org
> Subject: [rt.cpan.org #74192] libnetaddr-ip-perl: ip->addr() should follow RFC5952 Section 2.2 (Zero Compression)
> Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 18:16:05 -0500
> Reply-To: bug-NetAddr-IP at rt.cpan.org
> <URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=74192 >
> The upper/lower case issue predates the RFC you refer to and its
> immediate predecessors. When NetAddr::IP added support for IPV6, all the
> rfc documentation showed addresses in UPPER case and did not specify a
> preference for case. We opted to not change the standard way in which
> NetAddr::IP does this so that we would not break anyone's existing code
> that might be case sensitive. Instead, the pre-load directives :upper
> and :lower were added so new code could use the newer rfc standard
> notation if desired by simply including :lower in the
> use NetAdder::IP qw
> :lower
> whatever...
> }
> statement when invoking the NetAddr::IP module.
> With respect to the section 2.2 compression. We consider this to be a
> "pretty text" issue. In the sub module NetAddr::IP::InetBase, the
> function "packzeros" will pretty up the text representation to conform
> to 2.2 at the cost of many cpu cycles -- which is substantial beyond the
> conversion of the binary IPV6 representation to text. For ordinary
> processing of data, even in text form this is highly in-efficent so we
> have not adopted compressed "pretty text" as a standard, opting instead
> for quickly converted standard length strings. Programers wishing pretty
> IPV6 strings at the expense of slower code can add the packzeros
> function call to their programs that output text for human readers.
Just to make my disagreement very clear.
Zero Compression is not something about "Pretty Print" - Its about Address
normalization which is VERY important. I am writing Network Management Software
all day and a normalization of Adresses is very important to be able for users
to identify and match addresses.
The above statement simply says - I dont care about IPv6 and a reason to
fork the package.
The RFC is pretty clear about the displaying of v6 Adresses and the max compressed
and lower case form should be users everywhere, so it should be the default for
all output of ip helper librarys.
Florian Lohoff f at zz.de
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