Bug#679447: Coro segfaults

Dmitry E. Oboukhov unera at debian.org
Sat Jul 7 10:15:56 UTC 2012

>> Looking at that program, it seems you build a very large recursive data
>> structure and then free it in one go, without providing appropriate stack
>> space for this operation, so the segfault just means "out of memory"
>> because of the deep recursion.

>> As such, the problem has nothing to do with Coro, you are just running out
>> of memory (and Coro detects this because it places guard pages at the end
>> of stack to catch this problem).

>> You can verify that by using gdb to get a backtrace on the crash - most
>> likely you will see hundreds of recursions inside sv_free.

>> If you free large data structures you need to increase the stack space,
>> either using ulimit -s and/or using Coro::State::cctx_stacksize. Or change
>> your program to use less memory on free.

> https://gist.github.com/3059829#gistcomment-366066

> I've just dropped out a lot of unnessesary code and reduced iterations
> count in test.

> So now example crashes if it uses 100x(100+0-100) asyncs and uses
> weaken.

> But if it doesn't use weakens it never crashes even if it uses
> 500x(2000+0-100) iterations.

sorry for mistake.
I didn't commetn $tail->{head} = $head;

the first example crashes, too,
but increasing ulimit -s and Coro::State::cctx_stacksize doesn't help

> ulimit -s and Coro::State::cctx_stacksize don't influence on crashes.

. ''`.                               Dmitry E. Oboukhov
: :’  :   email: unera at debian.org jabber://UNera@uvw.ru
`. `~’              GPGKey: 1024D / F8E26537 2006-11-21
  `- 1B23 D4F8 8EC0 D902 0555  E438 AB8C 00CF F8E2 6537
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