Bug#664056: libxml-atom-microformats-perl: FTBFS: Test suite failures

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Mar 16 19:40:36 UTC 2012

On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 12:34:53 +0100, Alessandro Ghedini wrote:

> > My suggestion for the build-twice-in-a-row issue with
> > libxml-libxml-perl, lacking substantial EE::MM knowledge, would be to
> > "manually" anticipate what EU::MM "helpfully" bails out on, like so:
> > 
> > override_dh_auto_clean:
> >        rm -f Makefile
> >        perl Makefile.PL
> >        dh_auto_clean
> > 
> > "works for me" :-)
> Looks a bit ugly but works :)
> Missing any better solution I've committed it (testing now).

Sorry for missing this mail, looks like Florian, you and me are
discussing this via mail + IRC + changelog entries in git :)

Let's try to bring this together; from d/changelog:

is the override_dh_auto_clean necessary? building twice works for me
without it

IIRC this was reproducible by running straight dpkg-buildpackage (or
debuild) twice, without manually cleaning between the two calls, but
not with pbuilder --twice (I tried this a couple of days ago).

Florian explained something similar on IRC.

I might be wrong but I think the question of building twice boils
down to the question: is the source tree the same as before after
running the build and the clean? And this seems to be the case here.
(Of course without a "clean" Makefile.PL is patched and Makefile is
still there and is older than Makefile.PL and everything goes south.)


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