Bug#671178: clive: Can't locate object method "err" via package "clive::Util::Log"
Jean-Michel Vourgère
jmv_deb at nirgal.com
Wed May 2 10:46:21 UTC 2012
Package: clive
Version: 2.2.27-1
clive doesn't seem to work with that url:
$ clive --format=mp4 'http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqj6kz_greenpeace-survole-l-usine-nucleaire-de-bugey_news'
fetch http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqj6kz_greenpeace-survole-l-usine-nucleaire-de-bugey_news ...done.
Can't locate object method "err" via package "clive::Util::Log" (perhaps you forgot to load "clive::Util::Log"?) at /usr/share/perl5/clive/Host/Dailymotion.pm line 72.
(in cleanup) cannot access `DESTROY' field in class clive::Video at /usr/share/perl5/clive/Host/Dailymotion.pm line 72
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