Bug#624321: may be solved ?

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Sat Oct 13 10:12:41 UTC 2012


Sorry for the delayed reply. I was pretty sure that I had followed 
up on that bug. I was wrong, I just did the coding part.

Anyway, back in May 2011, I have implemented some support in Dpkg 
model for XS-Python-Version and X-Python-Version parameters. [1]

X-Python-Version value is migrated from XS-Python-Version using some 
code to implement the first part of your request.

The 2nd part is not implemented. I think it's possible now. I've done a 
similar trick to enforce a versioned dependency on debhelper depending 
on debian/compat content.

Could you tell me if:
- the first part of your request is indeed satisfied 
- the second part is still useful. 

If this bug is still necessary, I'll move it to libconfig-model-dpkg-perl 
(which does now contain the Dpkg model)

All the best


[1] http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/Config-Model-Dpkg-2.027/lib/Config/Model/models/Dpkg/Control/Source.pod#XS-Python-Version
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