Bug#691715: [rt.cpan.org #80458] libtext-bibtex-perl: syntactically invalid BibTeX file crashes perl

David Bremner via RT bug-Text-BibTeX at rt.cpan.org
Tue Oct 30 00:59:53 UTC 2012

<URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=80458 >

I was able to duplicate the crash with the upstream version by adding 
the definition _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 or _FORTIFY_SOURCE=1

--- a/inc/MyBuilder.pm
+++ b/inc/MyBuilder.pm
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ sub ACTION_create_objects {
         $object =~ s/\.c/.o/;
         next if $self->up_to_date($file, $object);
         $cbuilder->compile(object_file  => $object,
+                          extra_compiler_flags=>["-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"],
                            source       => $file,
                            include_dirs => ["btparse/src"]);

FORTIFY_SOURCE attempts to catch some buffer overflows; the best
reference I could find at the moment is 


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