Bug#688386: Conflicting declaration of rl_last_func

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Sat Sep 22 10:36:23 UTC 2012

Package: libterm-readline-gnu-perl
Version: 1.20-2

While compiling your package using our research compiler infrastructure we
noticed that there is a duplicate and conflicting definition of rl_last_func
when compiling Gnu.xs:

/usr/include/readline/readline.h declares:

extern rl_command_func_t *rl_last_func;

Gnu.xs declares:

/* rl_last_func() is defined in rlprivate.h */
extern Function *rl_last_func;

It seems that previous versions of readline would not publicly declare this
variable. For present versions of readline likely the declaration in Gnu.xs
can be dropped (or needs to be renamed).


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