Bug#701485: Patch and reassignment

brian m. carlson sandals at crustytoothpaste.net
Sat Feb 23 18:44:58 UTC 2013

reassign 701485 libxml-libxml-perl
retitle 701485 libxml-libxml-perl: does not emit DTD events
affects 701485 libxml-filter-xslt-perl
tag 701485 +patch

Attached is a git-style patch to make XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser emit
the start_dtd and end_dtd events.  It does not come with tests, nor does
it emit other LexicalHandler events.  However, it does fix the problem
described in this bug, and it makes the test code I provided in my
original email work correctly.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only
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