biblatex and biber

Norbert Preining preining at
Sun Jul 14 13:54:38 UTC 2013

On So, 14 Jul 2013, Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) wrote:
> > Up to e60b10d21 all is fine. After that it goes boooooommmmmm

Actually, it is already before that, namely when you started importing
upstreamd 1.5 into the master branch bypassing git-bp and
not tagging properly. 96b9158f3ce37b180436dbe713501cb95aafdbf6

THat is the reason I cannot properly reset to older post-1.5 state
and reimport 1.6, but have to go back *before* these chagnes.

Why don't you read *once* the git-buildpackage, especially the chapter
on importing sources:

> Indeed.  GIT is completely unnatural to me.  The manuals are a complete
> mess and full of annoying and outright silly concepts and definitions that
> make even a consultant look away.

That is not true, there are several good ones, already mentioned in
the thread.

It is the change from central management to distributed, and in addition
to easy branching. svn did not have easy branching (or better, it had
easy branching, but impossible merging!), while in git both are simple.

> I just wanted to update the repository with a new upstream version.  Can
> you imagine that?  *sigh*

Well, you can all do that, but then you should simply *stop* using gbp!!!
You cannot mix thee all together. Period.

> Yes.  I "fixed" it by importing the upstream tarball because I was fed up
> with GIT.  Absolutely not best practice, but the only way I could find to

Yeah, but you didn't do it the gbp way, but then expext that gbp
later on works. That is *not* the case.

> One day I will have to figure out your workflow and copy that.

- start with empty
- git-import-dsc first released
- git import-dsc for all following releases
- then hack aways happily in master, but in the debian dir only
  and use quilt for patching and unpatching
- new upstream:
	git-import-orig <path-to-orig>
- hack away as above
- release

> I think the current state is workable, no?  If not, then I will just
> request to remove the package and start all over again.

Depends on what you think is workable. It does not allow for proper
building of packages out of the git repository, but you have to get
the upstream tar ball separately, and copy the debian dir.

That is not what I prefer ... but you are free to do it in whatever
way you want.


PREINING, Norbert                     
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
DSA: 0x09C5B094   fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094

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