Bug#713255: libtest-rdf-perl: FTBFS: tests failed
Lucas Nussbaum
lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Sat Jun 22 12:21:19 UTC 2013
Source: libtest-rdf-perl
Version: 1.14-1
Severity: serious
Tags: jessie sid
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20130620 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on
Relevant part:
> make[1]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
> # Testing Test::RDF 1.14, Perl 5.014002, /usr/bin/perl
> t/00-load.t ..........
> 1..1
> ok 1 - use Test::RDF;
> ok
> t/are_subgraphs.t ....
> 1..52
> ok 1 - Test '' completed
> ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test '' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches' of '' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches' of '' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test '' completed
> ok 8 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test '' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in model1' of '' compare ok
> ok 11 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in model1' of '' compare name
> ok 12 - checking depth
> ok 13 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in model1' of '' compare diag
> ok 14 - Test '' completed
> ok 15 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 16 - Test '' result count
> ok 17 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in both' of '' compare ok
> ok 18 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in both' of '' compare name
> ok 19 - checking depth
> ok 20 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in both' of '' compare diag
> ok 21 - Test '' completed
> ok 22 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 23 - Test '' result count
> ok 24 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare ok
> ok 25 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare name
> ok 26 - checking depth
> ok 27 - Test '' completed
> ok 28 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 29 - Test '' result count
> ok 30 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in model2' of '' compare ok
> ok 31 - subtest 'Compare Turtle with extra in model2' of '' compare name
> ok 32 - checking depth
> ok 33 - Test '' completed
> ok 34 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 35 - Test '' result count
> ok 36 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare ok
> ok 37 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare name
> ok 38 - checking depth
> ok 39 - Test '' completed
> ok 40 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 41 - Test '' result count
> ok 42 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare ok
> ok 43 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare name
> ok 44 - checking depth
> ok 45 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare diag
> ok 46 - Test '' completed
> ok 47 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 48 - Test '' result count
> ok 49 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare ok
> ok 50 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare name
> ok 51 - checking depth
> ok 52 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare diag
> ok
> t/has_literal.t ......
> 1..80
> ok 1 - Test '' completed
> ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test '' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Simple literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Simple literal' of '' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test '' completed
> ok 8 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test '' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 11 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare name
> ok 12 - checking depth
> ok 13 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare diag
> ok 14 - Test '' completed
> ok 15 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 16 - Test '' result count
> ok 17 - subtest 'Just an integer' of '' compare ok
> ok 18 - subtest 'Just an integer' of '' compare name
> ok 19 - checking depth
> ok 20 - Test '' completed
> ok 21 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 22 - Test '' result count
> ok 23 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 24 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare name
> ok 25 - checking depth
> ok 26 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare diag
> ok 27 - Test '' completed
> ok 28 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 29 - Test '' result count
> ok 30 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 31 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare name
> ok 32 - checking depth
> ok 33 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare diag
> ok 34 - Test '' completed
> ok 35 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 36 - Test '' result count
> ok 37 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 38 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare name
> ok 39 - checking depth
> ok 40 - subtest 'Not a simple literal' of '' compare diag
> ok 41 - Test '' completed
> ok 42 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 43 - Test '' result count
> ok 44 - subtest 'Language literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 45 - subtest 'Language literal' of '' compare name
> ok 46 - checking depth
> ok 47 - Test '' completed
> ok 48 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 49 - Test '' result count
> ok 50 - subtest 'Language literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 51 - subtest 'Language literal' of '' compare name
> ok 52 - checking depth
> ok 53 - Test '' completed
> ok 54 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 55 - Test '' result count
> ok 56 - subtest 'Literal with wrong language' of '' compare ok
> ok 57 - subtest 'Literal with wrong language' of '' compare name
> ok 58 - checking depth
> ok 59 - subtest 'Literal with wrong language' of '' compare diag
> ok 60 - Test '' completed
> ok 61 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 62 - Test '' result count
> ok 63 - subtest 'Literal with language and datatype' of '' compare ok
> ok 64 - subtest 'Literal with language and datatype' of '' compare name
> ok 65 - checking depth
> ok 66 - subtest 'Literal with language and datatype' of '' compare diag
> ok 67 - Test '' completed
> ok 68 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 69 - Test '' result count
> ok 70 - subtest 'Has a URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 71 - subtest 'Has a URI' of '' compare name
> ok 72 - checking depth
> ok 73 - subtest 'Has a URI' of '' compare diag
> ok 74 - Test '' completed
> ok 75 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 76 - Test '' result count
> ok 77 - subtest 'Has a string not literal' of '' compare ok
> ok 78 - subtest 'Has a string not literal' of '' compare name
> ok 79 - checking depth
> ok 80 - subtest 'Has a string not literal' of '' compare diag
> ok
> # Failed test 'Test '' completed'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 40.
> # Bad IRI character: '"' (0x22)
> # Failed test 'Test '' result count'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 40.
> # got: 0
> # expected: 1
> Use of uninitialized value $sub_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 142.
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare ok'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 40.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '0'
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare name'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 40.
> # got: undef
> # expected: 'Has literal not subject'
> # Failed test 'checking depth'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 40.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '1'
> # You need to change $Test::Builder::Level
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 178.
> Use of uninitialized value $sub_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 178.
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare diag'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 40.
> Use of uninitialized value $_ in split at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 187.
> Use of uninitialized value $glen in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 200.
> # Got diag ( bytes):
> #
> # Expected diag (32 bytes):
> # 'No matching URIs found in model'
> # Failed test 'Test '' completed'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 93.
> # Bad IRI character: '"' (0x22)
> # Failed test 'Test '' result count'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 93.
> # got: 0
> # expected: 1
> Use of uninitialized value $sub_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 142.
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare ok'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 93.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '0'
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare name'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 93.
> # got: undef
> # expected: 'Has literal not URI'
> # Failed test 'checking depth'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 93.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '1'
> # You need to change $Test::Builder::Level
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 178.
> Use of uninitialized value $sub_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 178.
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare diag'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 93.
> Use of uninitialized value $_ in split at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 187.
> Use of uninitialized value $glen in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 200.
> # Got diag ( bytes):
> #
> # Expected diag (32 bytes):
> # 'No matching URIs found in model'
> # Failed test 'Test '' completed'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 147.
> # Bad IRI character: '"' (0x22)
> # Failed test 'Test '' result count'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 147.
> # got: 0
> # expected: 1
> Use of uninitialized value $sub_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 142.
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare ok'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 147.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '0'
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare name'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 147.
> # got: undef
> # expected: 'Has a literal'
> # Failed test 'checking depth'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 147.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '1'
> # You need to change $Test::Builder::Level
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 178.
> Use of uninitialized value $sub_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 178.
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare diag'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 147.
> Use of uninitialized value $_ in split at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 187.
> Use of uninitialized value $glen in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 200.
> # Got diag ( bytes):
> #
> # Expected diag (32 bytes):
> # 'No matching URIs found in model'
> # Failed test 'Test '' completed'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 203.
> # Bad IRI character: '"' (0x22)
> # Failed test 'Test '' result count'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 203.
> # got: 0
> # expected: 1
> Use of uninitialized value $sub_name in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Test/Tester.pm line 142.
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare ok'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 203.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '1'
> # Failed test 'subtest '' of '' compare name'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 203.
> # got: undef
> # expected: 'Has a literal'
> # Failed test 'checking depth'
> # at t/has_uri.t line 203.
> # got: undef
> # expected: '1'
> # You need to change $Test::Builder::Level
> # Looks like you failed 23 tests of 118.
> t/has_uri.t ..........
> 1..118
> ok 1 - Test '' completed
> ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test '' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Has correct subject URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Has correct subject URI' of '' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test '' completed
> ok 8 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test '' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Has not correct subject URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 11 - subtest 'Has not correct subject URI' of '' compare name
> ok 12 - checking depth
> ok 13 - subtest 'Has not correct subject URI' of '' compare diag
> not ok 14 - Test '' completed
> ok 15 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> not ok 16 - Test '' result count
> not ok 17 - subtest '' of '' compare ok
> not ok 18 - subtest '' of '' compare name
> not ok 19 - checking depth
> not ok 20 - subtest '' of '' compare diag
> ok 21 - Test '' completed
> ok 22 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 23 - Test '' result count
> ok 24 - subtest 'Has correct predicate URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 25 - subtest 'Has correct predicate URI' of '' compare name
> ok 26 - checking depth
> ok 27 - Test '' completed
> ok 28 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 29 - Test '' result count
> ok 30 - subtest 'Has not correct predicate URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 31 - subtest 'Has not correct predicate URI' of '' compare name
> ok 32 - checking depth
> ok 33 - subtest 'Has not correct predicate URI' of '' compare diag
> ok 34 - Test '' completed
> ok 35 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 36 - Test '' result count
> ok 37 - subtest 'Has correct object URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 38 - subtest 'Has correct object URI' of '' compare name
> ok 39 - checking depth
> ok 40 - Test '' completed
> ok 41 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 42 - Test '' result count
> ok 43 - subtest 'Has not correct object URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 44 - subtest 'Has not correct object URI' of '' compare name
> ok 45 - checking depth
> ok 46 - subtest 'Has not correct object URI' of '' compare diag
> not ok 47 - Test '' completed
> ok 48 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> not ok 49 - Test '' result count
> not ok 50 - subtest '' of '' compare ok
> not ok 51 - subtest '' of '' compare name
> not ok 52 - checking depth
> not ok 53 - subtest '' of '' compare diag
> ok 54 - Test '' completed
> ok 55 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 56 - Test '' result count
> ok 57 - subtest 'Has correct subject URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 58 - subtest 'Has correct subject URI' of '' compare name
> ok 59 - checking depth
> ok 60 - Test '' completed
> ok 61 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 62 - Test '' result count
> ok 63 - subtest 'Has correct predicate URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 64 - subtest 'Has correct predicate URI' of '' compare name
> ok 65 - checking depth
> ok 66 - Test '' completed
> ok 67 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 68 - Test '' result count
> ok 69 - subtest 'Has correct object URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 70 - subtest 'Has correct object URI' of '' compare name
> ok 71 - checking depth
> ok 72 - Test '' completed
> ok 73 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 74 - Test '' result count
> ok 75 - subtest 'Has not correct URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 76 - subtest 'Has not correct URI' of '' compare name
> ok 77 - checking depth
> ok 78 - subtest 'Has not correct URI' of '' compare diag
> not ok 79 - Test '' completed
> ok 80 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> not ok 81 - Test '' result count
> not ok 82 - subtest '' of '' compare ok
> not ok 83 - subtest '' of '' compare name
> not ok 84 - checking depth
> not ok 85 - subtest '' of '' compare diag
> ok 86 - Test '' completed
> ok 87 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 88 - Test '' result count
> ok 89 - subtest 'Has correct subject URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 90 - subtest 'Has correct subject URI' of '' compare name
> ok 91 - checking depth
> ok 92 - subtest 'Has correct subject URI' of '' compare diag
> ok 93 - Test '' completed
> ok 94 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 95 - Test '' result count
> ok 96 - subtest 'Has correct predicate URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 97 - subtest 'Has correct predicate URI' of '' compare name
> ok 98 - checking depth
> ok 99 - subtest 'Has correct predicate URI' of '' compare diag
> ok 100 - Test '' completed
> ok 101 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 102 - Test '' result count
> ok 103 - subtest 'Has correct object URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 104 - subtest 'Has correct object URI' of '' compare name
> ok 105 - checking depth
> ok 106 - subtest 'Has correct object URI' of '' compare diag
> ok 107 - Test '' completed
> ok 108 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 109 - Test '' result count
> ok 110 - subtest 'Has not correct URI' of '' compare ok
> ok 111 - subtest 'Has not correct URI' of '' compare name
> ok 112 - checking depth
> not ok 113 - Test '' completed
> ok 114 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> not ok 115 - Test '' result count
> not ok 116 - subtest '' of '' compare ok
> not ok 117 - subtest '' of '' compare name
> not ok 118 - checking depth
> Dubious, test returned 23 (wstat 5888, 0x1700)
> Failed 23/118 subtests
> t/is_rdf.t ...........
> 1..33
> ok 1 - Test '' completed
> ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test '' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches' of '' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches' of '' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test '' completed
> ok 8 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test '' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare ok
> ok 11 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare name
> ok 12 - checking depth
> ok 13 - Test '' completed
> ok 14 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 15 - Test '' result count
> ok 16 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare ok
> ok 17 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare name
> ok 18 - checking depth
> ok 19 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare diag
> ok 20 - Test '' completed
> ok 21 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 22 - Test '' result count
> ok 23 - subtest 'Pass empty string' of '' compare ok
> ok 24 - subtest 'Pass empty string' of '' compare name
> ok 25 - checking depth
> ok 26 - subtest 'Pass empty string' of '' compare diag
> ok 27 - Test '' completed
> ok 28 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 29 - Test '' result count
> ok 30 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare ok
> ok 31 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare name
> ok 32 - checking depth
> ok 33 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare diag
> ok
> # Failed test 'Error message is correct'
> # at t/is_valid_rdf.t line 32.
> # 'Input was not valid RDF:
> #
> # Got '"' while expecting string character at 1:81
> # '
> # doesn't match '(?^:Input was not valid RDF:\n\n\t(No tokens|Redland error: syntax error at '"'|Got '"' while expecting string character at 1:53))'
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 23.
> t/is_valid_rdf.t .....
> 1..23
> ok 1 - Test '' completed
> ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test '' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Valid turtle' of '' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Valid turtle' of '' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test '' completed
> ok 8 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test '' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Pass empty string' of '' compare ok
> ok 11 - subtest 'Pass empty string' of '' compare name
> ok 12 - checking depth
> ok 13 - subtest 'Pass empty string' of '' compare diag
> ok 14 - Not Valid turtle
> not ok 15 - Error message is correct
> ok 16 - Test '' completed
> ok 17 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 18 - Test '' result count
> ok 19 - subtest 'Valid RDF/XML' of '' compare ok
> ok 20 - subtest 'Valid RDF/XML' of '' compare name
> ok 21 - checking depth
> ok 22 - Not Valid RDF/XML
> ok 23 - Error message is correct
> Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
> Failed 1/23 subtests
> t/isomorph_graphs.t ..
> 1..26
> ok 1 - Test '' completed
> ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test '' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches' of '' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches' of '' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test '' completed
> ok 8 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test '' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare ok
> ok 11 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle' of '' compare name
> ok 12 - checking depth
> ok 13 - Test '' completed
> ok 14 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 15 - Test '' result count
> ok 16 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare ok
> ok 17 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare name
> ok 18 - checking depth
> ok 19 - subtest 'Compare Turtle exact matches, with error' of '' compare diag
> ok 20 - Test '' completed
> ok 21 - Test '' no premature diagnostication
> ok 22 - Test '' result count
> ok 23 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare ok
> ok 24 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare name
> ok 25 - checking depth
> ok 26 - subtest 'Compare RDF/XML and Turtle, with error' of '' compare diag
> ok
> t/pattern_fail.t .....
> 1..43
> ok 1 - Test 'pattern_target - target model' completed
> ok 2 - Test 'pattern_target - target model' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test 'pattern_target - target model' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Data is an RDF::Trine::Model.' of 'pattern_target - target model' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Data is an RDF::Trine::Model.' of 'pattern_target - target model' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list' completed
> ok 8 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Pattern doesn't match' of 'pattern_fail - statement list' compare ok
> ok 11 - checking depth
> ok 12 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern' completed
> ok 13 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern' no premature diagnostication
> ok 14 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern' result count
> ok 15 - subtest 'Pattern doesn't match' of 'pattern_fail - pattern' compare ok
> ok 16 - checking depth
> ok 17 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list plus message' completed
> ok 18 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list plus message' no premature diagnostication
> ok 19 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list plus message' result count
> ok 20 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_fail - statement list plus message' compare ok
> ok 21 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_fail - statement list plus message' compare name
> ok 22 - checking depth
> ok 23 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern plus message' completed
> ok 24 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern plus message' no premature diagnostication
> ok 25 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern plus message' result count
> ok 26 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_fail - pattern plus message' compare ok
> ok 27 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_fail - pattern plus message' compare name
> ok 28 - checking depth
> ok 29 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list should fail' completed
> ok 30 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list should fail' no premature diagnostication
> ok 31 - Test 'pattern_fail - statement list should fail' result count
> ok 32 - subtest 'Pattern doesn't match' of 'pattern_fail - statement list should fail' compare ok
> ok 33 - checking depth
> ok 34 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' completed
> ok 35 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' no premature diagnostication
> ok 36 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' result count
> ok 37 - subtest 'Pattern doesn't match' of 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' compare ok
> ok 38 - checking depth
> ok 39 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' completed
> ok 40 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' no premature diagnostication
> ok 41 - Test 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' result count
> ok 42 - subtest 'Pattern doesn't match' of 'pattern_fail - pattern should fail' compare ok
> ok 43 - checking depth
> ok
> t/pattern_ok.t .......
> 1..65
> ok 1 - Test 'pattern_target - invalid target' completed
> ok 2 - Test 'pattern_target - invalid target' no premature diagnostication
> ok 3 - Test 'pattern_target - invalid target' result count
> ok 4 - subtest 'Data is not an RDF::Trine::Model or RDF::Trine::Store.' of 'pattern_target - invalid target' compare ok
> ok 5 - subtest 'Data is not an RDF::Trine::Model or RDF::Trine::Store.' of 'pattern_target - invalid target' compare name
> ok 6 - checking depth
> ok 7 - Test 'pattern_ok - uninitialised target' completed
> ok 8 - Test 'pattern_ok - uninitialised target' no premature diagnostication
> ok 9 - Test 'pattern_ok - uninitialised target' result count
> ok 10 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - uninitialised target' compare ok
> ok 11 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - uninitialised target' compare name
> ok 12 - checking depth
> ok 13 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - uninitialised target' compare diag
> ok 14 - Test 'pattern_target - target store' completed
> ok 15 - Test 'pattern_target - target store' no premature diagnostication
> ok 16 - Test 'pattern_target - target store' result count
> ok 17 - subtest 'Data is an RDF::Trine::Store.' of 'pattern_target - target store' compare ok
> ok 18 - subtest 'Data is an RDF::Trine::Store.' of 'pattern_target - target store' compare name
> ok 19 - checking depth
> ok 20 - Test 'pattern_target - target model' completed
> ok 21 - Test 'pattern_target - target model' no premature diagnostication
> ok 22 - Test 'pattern_target - target model' result count
> ok 23 - subtest 'Data is an RDF::Trine::Model.' of 'pattern_target - target model' compare ok
> ok 24 - subtest 'Data is an RDF::Trine::Model.' of 'pattern_target - target model' compare name
> ok 25 - checking depth
> ok 26 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list' completed
> ok 27 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list' no premature diagnostication
> ok 28 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list' result count
> ok 29 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - statement list' compare ok
> ok 30 - checking depth
> ok 31 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern' completed
> ok 32 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern' no premature diagnostication
> ok 33 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern' result count
> ok 34 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - pattern' compare ok
> ok 35 - checking depth
> ok 36 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list plus message' completed
> ok 37 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list plus message' no premature diagnostication
> ok 38 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list plus message' result count
> ok 39 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_ok - statement list plus message' compare ok
> ok 40 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_ok - statement list plus message' compare name
> ok 41 - checking depth
> ok 42 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern plus message' completed
> ok 43 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern plus message' no premature diagnostication
> ok 44 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern plus message' result count
> ok 45 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_ok - pattern plus message' compare ok
> ok 46 - subtest 'FOO' of 'pattern_ok - pattern plus message' compare name
> ok 47 - checking depth
> ok 48 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list should fail' completed
> ok 49 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list should fail' no premature diagnostication
> ok 50 - Test 'pattern_ok - statement list should fail' result count
> ok 51 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - statement list should fail' compare ok
> ok 52 - checking depth
> ok 53 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - statement list should fail' compare diag
> ok 54 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' completed
> ok 55 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' no premature diagnostication
> ok 56 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' result count
> ok 57 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' compare ok
> ok 58 - checking depth
> ok 59 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' compare diag
> ok 60 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' completed
> ok 61 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' no premature diagnostication
> ok 62 - Test 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' result count
> ok 63 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' compare ok
> ok 64 - checking depth
> ok 65 - subtest 'Pattern match' of 'pattern_ok - pattern should fail' compare diag
> ok
> Failed 2/9 test programs. 24/441 subtests failed.
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/has_uri.t (Wstat: 5888 Tests: 118 Failed: 23)
> Failed tests: 14, 16-20, 47, 49-53, 79, 81-85, 113, 115-118
> Non-zero exit status: 23
> t/is_valid_rdf.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 23 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 15
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> Files=9, Tests=441, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.12 usr 0.07 sys + 6.78 cusr 0.90 csys = 7.87 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> make[1]: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
The full build log is available from:
A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!
About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.
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