libnet-server-perl module

Bonno Bloksma b.bloksma at
Thu Oct 17 15:17:49 UTC 2013


I ran into debian bug #693320 using munin-node on my new server

It seems this has been solved in libnet-server-perl 2.007
But even in the Debian 7.2 release last Monday the libnet-server-perl in Wheezy is 2.006-1

As the bug was deemed solved I had expected it to come to Wheezy as well and not just stay in Jessie. It has been several months so maybe for the first time I will need to do something with a module from backports to get the 2.007 version. Or.... did someone just forget to bring it down to Wheezy?

Are the differences between those two versions large enough to prevent it coming down to Wheezy or is there another reason the bug is not solved in Wheezy?

Bonno Bloksma

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