Comments regarding cme_1.001-1_amd64.changes

Dominique Dumont dod at
Wed Dec 10 20:13:25 UTC 2014

On Wednesday 10 December 2014 11:58:08 Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> according to your debian/copyright the license is LGPLv2.1+, but 
> to the file headers the license is only LGPLv2.1. 
> Did you forgot the "or any later version." in the files?

Hmm, yes. 

I did forget about this detail. I do not want my users to be constrained by 
GPLv3 incompatibility .

On the other hand, there's a technical problem: I use Dist::Zilla to 
generate the copyright headers in my files at upstream build time. 
Dist::Zilla does not support LGPL_2.1+ . 

May be I should mention that in the README file of App::Cme (and all 
other Config::Model packages). Would that be enough ?

Sorry for the confusion

All the best

--   -o-  -o-   irc: dod at
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