Bug#737781: want to be able to specify more edge attributes
Ian Jackson
ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Wed Feb 5 22:02:14 UTC 2014
Package: libgraph-writer-graphviz-perl
Version: 0.11-1
IMO it should be possible to specify more edge attributes. For
example, "label".
The attached patch does this for the attributes "style", "label",
"color" in roughly the same way as is done for node attributes.
(To be honest, it would be better to have some general way to specify
arbitrary attributes for the dot output, rather than insisting on
mapping the dot attribute namespace directly but piecemeal into the
Graph.pm. But I haven't implemented that here.)
There is a possible compatibility implication for this patch: if
someone sets these attributes on edges and uses
Graph::Writer::GraphViz then there will be a chane in behaviour.
(Perhaps a desired behaviour which didn't turn up but which now would
be surprising.) But I think this risk is probably tolerable.
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