Bug#738975: Re: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: FTBFS with libev-perl and libtest-harness-perl

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Thu Feb 20 18:52:49 UTC 2014

On Monday 17 February 2014 18:45:02 Niko Tyni wrote:
> It's perfectly reproducible for me on sid/amd64 with
>  cowbuilder --extrapackages "libev-perl libtest-harness-perl" --build
> libconfig-model-dpkg-perl_2.044.dsc

ok. Got it. The issue boils down to this:

$ perl -w -e 'require EV; '
Too late to run CHECK block at /usr/lib/perl5/EV.pm line 123.

Looks like EV can only be loaded at BEGIN time, i.e. through a 'use EV';

In Config::Model case, only AnyEvent is loaded with 'use'. I'll probably have 
to add a 'use EV;' in the top of Config::Model.

All the best
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