Bug#735000: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: On exec 'cme check dpkg-control' displayed error message 'EV: error in callback (ignoring): AnyEvent::CondVar: recursive blocking wait attempted'

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Tue Jan 14 18:11:32 UTC 2014

On Saturday 11 January 2014 18:27:09 you wrote:
> Yes, it up to 100% CPU and after 10-20 secs is down  to 0.0.

Major bummer. The trick I used to run parrallel queries to madison is fairly 

Fixing this properly will require to change all Config::Model code to make it 
asynchronous. (using Future or Promises). This is a huge work :-(

The alternative is to remove the asynchronous stuff and to run the 
queries to madison in a blocking mode. But running these queries is quite 
long as soon as you have a lot of dependencies (~ 1s per dependency). 
The caching mechanism helps a bit but it's not a silver bullet.

I'm still stratching my head ...

 https://github.com/dod38fr/   -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
http://ddumont.wordpress.com/  -o-   irc: dod at irc.debian.org
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