Bug#750305: libmoosex-app-cmd-perl: FTBFS: Tests failures
David Suárez
david.sephirot at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 18:57:15 UTC 2014
Source: libmoosex-app-cmd-perl
Version: 0.27-1
Severity: serious
Tags: jessie sid
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20140601 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on
Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory '/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
> t/00-compile.t .......................... ok
> # Testing with Perl 5.018002, /usr/bin/perl
> # Any::Moose version is 0.21
> # App::Cmd version is 0.323
> # App::Cmd::Command version is 0.323
> # Carp version is 1.29
> # Data::Dumper version is 2.145
> # English version is 1.06_01
> # ExtUtils::MakeMaker version is 6.66
> # File::Basename version is 2.84
> # File::Spec version is 3.40
> # Getopt::Long::Descriptive version is 0.097
> # IO::Handle version is 1.34
> # IPC::Open3 version is 1.13
> # MouseX::Getopt version is 0.34
> # Scalar::Util version is 1.27
> # Test::More version is 0.98
> # Test::Output version is 1.02
> # Test::use::ok version is 0.11
> # YAML version is 0.92
> # base version is 2.18
> # lib version is 0.63
> # namespace::clean version is 0.25
> # strict version is 1.07
> # warnings version is 1.18
> t/000-report-versions.t ................. ok
> t/author-critic.t ....................... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
> t/author-test-eol.t ..................... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
> # Failed test 'required option field is missing'
> # at t/basic.t line 71.
> # 'Mandatory parameter 'wow' missing in call to "eval"
> #
> # basic.t bark [-?] [long options...]
> # --wow required option field
> # -? --usage --help Prints this usage information.
> # '
> # doesn't match '(?^:Mandatory parameter 'wow' missing in call to \(eval\))'
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 12.
> t/basic.t ...............................
> Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
> Failed 1/12 subtests
> t/build_emulates_new.t .................. ok
> # Failed test 'command died with the correct string'
> # at t/configfile.t line 28.
> # 'Mandatory parameter 'moo' missing in call to "eval"
> #
> # configfile.t moo [-?] [long options...]
> # --configfile
> # --moo required option field
> # -? --usage --help Prints this usage information.
> # '
> # doesn't match '(?^:Mandatory parameter 'moo' missing in call to \(eval\))'
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
> t/configfile.t ..........................
> Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
> Failed 1/3 subtests
> t/moose.t ............................... ok
> t/mouse.t ............................... ok
> t/release-changes_has_content.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-cpan-changes.t ................ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-dist-manifest.t ............... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-distmeta.t .................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-kwalitee.t .................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-localbrew-perl-latest-TEST.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-meta-json.t ................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-minimum-version.t ............. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-mojibake.t .................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-no-tabs.t ..................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-pod-coverage.t ................ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-pod-linkcheck.t ............... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-pod-syntax.t .................. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-portability.t ................. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-synopsis.t .................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-test-version.t ................ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> t/release-unused-vars.t ................. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/basic.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 12 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 7
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> t/configfile.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 3 Failed: 1)
> Failed test: 1
> Non-zero exit status: 1
> Files=26, Tests=47, 4 wallclock secs ( 0.13 usr 0.14 sys + 2.52 cusr 0.60 csys = 3.39 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> Failed 2/26 test programs. 2/47 subtests failed.
> make[1]: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
> Makefile:866: recipe for target 'test_dynamic' failed
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> dh_auto_test: make -j1 test returned exit code 2
The full build log is available from:
A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!
About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.
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