Bug#752149: A good way to et started with cme internals (was: Bug#752149: libconfig-model-perl: Please enable Testsuite in debian/control)

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Fri Jun 20 11:48:00 UTC 2014

On Friday 20 June 2014 10:53:32 Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> > Unfortunately cme can not cope with the
> > Testsuite field and throws errors.  Please enable the Testsuite field
> > and perhaps you even do some s/XS-Testsuite/Testsuite/ in those
> > d/control files where the field is set.
> Thanks for your report! Just reassigning it to
> libconfig-model-dpkg-perl, as it's there where the (XS-)Testsuite
> support lives (see: also #721663 were XS-Testsuite was added).

Supporting Testsuite is fairly easy and a good way to learn some about 
the internal of cme.

To sump it up:
- copy XS-Testsuite param in TestSuite
- existing XS-Testsuite param must become status deprecated
- setup a migrate_from attribute which copy old value from XS-Testsuite
  in Testsuite. This is very similar to the way Name is migrated to 
  Upstream-Name in copyright model [1]

Using 'config-model-edit -model Dpkg' will help in this task [2]

Is there a volunteer to try to resolve this bug ? 

All the best

[1] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-perl/packages/libconfig-model-dpkg-perl.git;a=blob;f=lib/Config/Model/models/Dpkg/Copyright.pl;hb=HEAD#l48
[2] https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/wiki/How-to-add-a-new-parameter-to-an-existing-model

 https://github.com/dod38fr/   -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
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