Bug#750325: Test failures in Template::Plugin::LaTex ?

RJ Clay jame at rocasa.us
Fri Jun 27 19:15:30 UTC 2014

On 06/26/2014 11:22 PM, RJ Clay wrote:
> On 06/26/2014 10:06 PM, Chris Travers wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 12:40 PM, RJ Clay <jame at rocasa.us> wrote:
>>> Yes, I was thinking of a Debian package dependency... 
>> The test failures showing up on cpantesters are either when you are 
>> missing
>> xetex or lastpage.sty.  Those are unrelated to liblatex-driver-perl 
>> or the
>> like and would be somewhere in the texlive tree.  Those are only 
>> required
>> to test the package however.
>  That 'lastpage.sty' file is the texlive-latex-extra packagel  A 
> Build-Depends is a separate dependency for package building in 
> Debian;  I'll take a look at that in the morning after work.
      Added the texlive-latex-extra package to the Debian Jessie chroot 
I'm using for testing, which already had the texlive-xetex package 
installed; then did manual build and test ( perl Makefile.PL && make 
test).  Still get an error ("t/02-latex2pdf.t ........ 4/9 FAILED 9:  - 
template text 3 did not match expected") and other issues ("Use of 
uninitialized value in lc") ;  but otherwise passed.  I'm going to try 
adding the packages to the Build_Depends in the Template-Plugin-Latex 
Debian package  and see how the package builds.

RJ Clay
jame at rocasa.us

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