Bug#752989: libio-callback-perl: FTBFS with Perl 5.20: alternative dependencies

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Sat Jun 28 12:18:13 UTC 2014

Quoting Niko Tyni (2014-06-28 13:44:57)
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 09:41:46AM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> Quoting Niko Tyni (2014-06-28 09:03:08)
>>> The problem is this dependency:
>>>   Build-Depends: perl (<< 5.19) | libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.40),
>>> Perhaps something like this (untested) could work?
>>>   Build-Depends: perl (>= 5.17.1~) | libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.40), libmodule-build-perl
>>> (The unversioned dependency would guarantee either a perl version 
>>>  with the bundled M::B, or a separate package. The versioned 
>>>  alternative would guarantee that the M::B version is new enough.)
>> Relying on a (build-)dependency being resolved by a virtual package 
>> is not allowed by Policy, with the reasoning that it causes 
>> non-deterministic behaviour.
> Which policy clause is that?

Oh well - I might be wrong and it is "just" an overly strong 
interpretation by ftpmasters that I have experienced in the past.

Or perhaps it is not an overly strong interpretation, but a real 
sensible one which has just not yet been codified in Policy.

Do you find the reasoning I gave non-sensical?

>> libmodule-build-perl exists as a package, so simply favoring that 
>> over the perl-provided version should work _and_ be deterministic 
>> _and_ work on more relaxed environments permitting undetermnistic 
>> fallbacks (read: backporting with pbuilder or variants like 
>> cowbuilder):
>>   Build-Depends: libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.40) | perl (<< 5.19)
> Fine by me, but that allows for perl 5.16 and lower, which have M::B < 
> 0.40. If that's not a concern, just drop the versioned part and use 
> plain libmodule-build-perl?

Right.  If that's a concern (it is to me, but some consider backporting 
irrelevant to support, and some favor automated dependency handling over 
most accurate declaration), then repeat with the lower limitation as 
well, but with the satisfiable-in-current-unstable listed first in both 
cases, like this:

  Build-Depends: libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.40) | perl (<< 5.19), libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.40) | perl (>= 5.17.1)

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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