Bug#748740: Does not work anymore with https servers that use selfsigned certificates

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Sun May 25 07:27:58 UTC 2014

[Just a random LWP/IO::Socket::SSL user here, not a maintainer of any of 
the affected packages.]

* Klaus Ethgen <Klaus at Ethgen.de>, 2014-05-20, 11:40:
>The newest version of libwww-perl does not connect to https servers 
>with selfsigned certificates anymore; even not with environment 

It might be fallout after fixing #746579. See also upstream discussion:
(Yet, it's a complete mess.)

In another mail you wrote:

>Let me also add that setting the ssl_options never worked for me and 
>only setting the related environment variable(s) works. So at the 
>moment even "$ua->ssl_opts(SSL_verifycn_scheme => 'none');" does not 
>let it work.

SSL_verifycn_scheme affects only checking if CN/subjectAltName match 
hostname, not validity of the certificate itself. And if you're using 
LWP then it doesn't affect anything, because LWP resets it for you. :|

This should completely disable certificate verification:

	SSL_verify_mode => 0,
	verify_hostname => 0,

>To be clear, I want to _have_ the hostname verified but _not have_ the 
>certificate itself checked.

Hmm, that's an odd choice. Surely if you don't verify the peer 
certificate, then anybody capable of MiTM can just forge a certificate 
with any CN/subjectAltName they want.

Jakub Wilk

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