libtypes-uuid-perl_0.002-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Thorsten Alteholz alteholz at
Wed May 28 20:31:35 UTC 2014

Hi Jonas,

On Wed, 28 May 2014, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> The CONTRIBUTING.pod stated as CC licensed does not exist in the
> tarball, and nowhere is stated that CONTRIBUTED file has same license.

the file in question is not named CONTRIBUTED but CONTRIBUTING. If you 
look at the structure of pod files from other packages you uploaded, they 
look rather similar. So the file CONTRIBUTING seems to be derived work 
from CONTRIBUTING.pod and according to the CC-license of CONTRIBUTING.pod,
the file CONTRIBUTING must have the same one.

> Instead the upstream COPYRIGHT file (which you might notice uses Debian
> DEP5 format - Toby is really cool!) states explicitly that the licensing
> of the CONTRIBUTED file is "unknown".

Yes, it is unknown because some tool he used to create the COPYRIGHT file 
did not recognize the paragraph at the end.
Anyway, if the license of this file is unknown, we would not have the 
permisson to distribute it. I would say that this is a worse solution.

Maybe you can get a statement from Toby about the files CONTRIBUTING and 


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