Bug#763541: pkg-perl-autopkgtest: environment variables for the smoke test

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Mon Aug 24 21:30:53 UTC 2015

On Mon, 24 Aug 2015 21:18:05 +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:

> (I was about to file a bug about this, until I found I'd already
>  done so a year ago...)

Heh :)
> Also, people have expressed needs for HOME for at least libgtk3-perl and
> libextutils-modulemaker-perl. It's not clear to me how that should work
> wrt. absolute vs. relative paths: the tests are presumably run under
> /tmp in a directory that can't be hardcoded in an environment list.

Can't we build on ADTTMP here, i.e. create either a tmpdir or a dir
with a nice name like fakehomeforautopkgtest under
$ADTTMP and export HOME=$ADTTMP/whateverwetake?

I also guess that we need HOME only for the smoke tests, so this
could just be added to our smoke script.
OTOH, that defeats the idea of a generic env-smoke setup.
> Finally, my original concerns in this bug about executable configuration
> files still apply. I would appreciate input on this. See
>  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=763541#5

I'm also a bit weary about running a random pre-smoke script; your

| Or we could implement 'env-smoke' now and leave 'pre-smoke' for
| later, which I guess is the normal Debian way of not deciding
| anything :)

sounds good to me.


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