Bug#723931: src:libdist-zilla-plugin-requiresexternal-perl: FTBFS when verbose tests are enabled: Tests out of sequence.
Damyan Ivanov
dmn at debian.org
Sat Jan 3 14:04:40 UTC 2015
-=| Damyan Ivanov, 03.01.2015 13:25:00 +0000 |=-
> I tried to reproduce this today, and all tests passed. I've run
> t/test.t (which was failing in 2013) a hundred times and it passed
> 100%.
> My guess is that the problem were in some of the build-dependencies,
> and is now fixed there.
> Here's a list of build-dependencies and their versions back in
> September 2013 and today, as reported by t/000-report-versions.t:
> Dependency Failing Passing
> 21 Sep 2013 03 Jan 2015
> =============================== =========== ===========
> Perl 5.018001 5.020001
> Carp 1.29 1.3301
> Config 5.018001 5.020001
> Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory 4.300037 5.020
> Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer 4.300037 5.020
> Dist::Zilla::Role::MetaProvider 4.300037 5.020
> Dist::Zilla::Role::Plugin 4.300037 5.020
> Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplate 4.300037 5.020
> English 1.06 1.09
> Env::Path 0.19 0.19
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.66 6.98
> File::Find 1.23 1.27
> File::Temp 0.23 0.2304
> List::MoreUtils 0.33 0.33
> Modern::Perl 1.20121103 1.20140107
> Moose 2.1005 2.1213
> MooseX::Has::Sugar 0.05070420 1.000004
> MooseX::Types::Moose 0.35 0.45
> Path::Class 0.32 0.35
> Scalar::Util 1.27 1.38
> Test::DZil 4.300037 5.020
> Test::More 0.98 1.001002
> Test::Most 0.31 0.34
> namespace::autoclean 0.13 0.20
> strict 1.07 1.08
> utf8 1.10 1.13_01
> warnings 1.18 1.23
> I haven't tried to downgrade some of the dependencies, seems like
> too much work for little gain :)
Perhaps this is related to the similar #723930 in libdist-zilla-perl,
which is fixed in version 5.20-1. Not sure if adding version to the
build-dependency is worth it. The only use of that that I can imagine
is backporting, but debhelper in wheezy/jessie will not have verbose
testing enabled, so there should be no problem.
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