Bug#787821: libhtml-parser-perl: encode_entities() convert chars to à instead of their proper entity

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Jun 5 12:31:17 UTC 2015

On Fri, 05 Jun 2015 13:35:24 +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:

> However, here:
>   $ cat test.pl 
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use HTML::Entities;
> $input = "vis-à-vis Beyoncé's naïve\npapier-mâché résumé";
> print encode_entities($input), "\n"
> # EOF 
>   $ perl test.pl 
> vis-à-vis Beyoncé's naïve
> papier-mâché résumé

Oh, fun with encodings in general and UTF-8 in particular again.

This works:

% cat test.pl 

use utf8;

use HTML::Entities;
$input = "vis-à-vis Beyoncé's naïve\npapier-mâché résumé";
print encode_entities($input), "\n"

% perl test.pl
vis-à-vis Beyoncé's naïve
papier-mâché résumé

> Where do these à come from?

From perl not knowing that the script ins utf8-encoded and taking it
as Latin1 or something.

So, I'm not sure there is actually a bug somewhere.
With "use utf8;" this works, and perl needs to be told about the
encoding ...

> Plus, as a side bug (require a report on its own?),
> man HTML::Entities prints
>    For example, this:
>         $input = "vis-a-vis Beyonce's naieve\npapier-mache resume";
>         print encode_entities($input), "\n"
>        Prints this out:
>         [...]
> Yes, the man page example is actually stripped of entities to encode!

Ouch, ugly.
Yes, please report a separate bug. 


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