Bug#788350: FTBFS - proxy tests

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed Jun 10 16:05:00 UTC 2015

Control: tag -1 + confirmed

On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 13:43:59 +0000, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> Package: libfurl-perl
> Version: 3.06-1
> Severity: serious
> libfurl fails to build in an up to date pbuilder chroot, with test failures:
> ...
> #   Failed test at t/100_low/08_proxy.t line 42.
> #          got: '1.0 pc1:51242 (HTTP::Proxy/0.303)'
> #     expected: '1.0 VIA!VIA!VIA!'

Same here. I looked into t/100_low/08_proxy.t a bit:

First, it only unsets HTTP_PROXY but not http_proxy; after doing that
my errors look the same:

t/100_low/08_proxy.t .. 1/21 
#   Failed test at t/100_low/08_proxy.t line 45.
#          got: '1.0 jadzia:50312 (HTTP::Proxy/0.303)'
#     expected: '1.0 VIA!VIA!VIA!'

The line in 'got' is the default Via header as set by HTTP::Proxy:

   118      if (!defined $self->{via}) {
   119          $self->{via} = hostname() . ($self->{port} != 80 ? ':' . $self->{port} : '') . " (HTTP::Proxy/$VERSION)";
   120      }

but t/100_low/08_proxy.t does set via at the bottom:

        my $proxy = Test::HTTP::Proxy->new(port => $proxy_port, via => $via);

(and with some diag() sprinkled it we see:
# via_server: VIA!VIA!VIA!

And then I don't know what's really going on. Is the request from
client-client to client-server not going through server (= proxy)
here? But then we wouldn't get the default HTTP::Proxy Via string in
the reply. Or is HTTP::Proxy simply ignoring the via attreibute?

Data::Dumpering in /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Proxy.pm:
$self before line 118 above:

$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'logmask' => 0,
                 'daemon' => undef,
                 'host' => 'localhost',
                 'max_keep_alive_requests' => 10,
                 'chunk' => 4096,
                 'conn' => 0,
                 'loop' => 1,
                 'timeout' => 60,
                 'agent' => undef,
                 'max_connections' => 0,
                 'port' => 50085,
                 'stash' => {},
                 'x_forwarded_for' => 1,
                 'logfh' => *::STDERR
               }, 'Test::HTTP::Proxy' );

Hm, yeah, no 'via'. But the port is the one requested from
t/100_low/08_proxy.t. And the %params hash of the new() constructor
still looks as expected:

$VAR1 = 'port';
$VAR2 = 50819;
$VAR3 = 'via';

Ok, this looks like a bug in HTTP::Proxy, maybe in 

commit e105876f84220791f2a6b1e64d2a913658c1d269
Author: Slaven Rezic <slaven at rezic.de>
Date:   Fri Nov 12 11:37:59 2010 +0100

    add port to Via header

    RFC 2616 kind of suggests to add the port to the Via header if it's not
    the default port:

        "If the port is not given, it MAY be assumed to be the default port
        of the received-protocol."

    This patch sets the port in the generated Via header if it's not the
    default 80.

diff --git a/lib/HTTP/Proxy.pm b/lib/HTTP/Proxy.pm
index 1ac10c8..c074d24 100644
--- a/lib/HTTP/Proxy.pm
+++ b/lib/HTTP/Proxy.pm
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ sub new {
         port     => 8080,
         stash    => {},
         timeout  => 60,
-        via      => hostname() . " (HTTP::Proxy/$VERSION)",
         x_forwarded_for => 1,

@@ -116,6 +115,10 @@ sub new {
     $self->{$_} = exists $params{$_} ? delete( $params{$_} ) : $defaults{$_}
       for keys %defaults;

+    if (!defined $self->{via}) {
+       $self->{via} = hostname() . ($self->{port} != 80 ? ':' . $self->{port} : '') . " (HTTP::Proxy/$VERSION)";
+    }
     # choose an engine with the remaining parameters
     $self->{engine} = HTTP::Proxy::Engine->new( %params, proxy => $self );
     $self->log( PROXY, "PROXY", "Selected engine " . ref $self->{engine} );

And here we are:

Adding "via => undef" to the %defaults hash in
/usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Proxy.pm fixes the issue.

Does this make sense? Someone please sanity-check :)


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