Bug#789141: libdancer2-perl: FTBFS with Plack >= 1.0036: t/classes/Dancer2-Core-Response/new_from.t

Dominic Hargreaves dom at earth.li
Thu Jun 18 09:10:23 UTC 2015

Source: libdancer2-perl
Version: 0.160001
Severity: serious
Tags: sid stretch fixed-upstream
Forwarded: https://github.com/PerlDancer/Dancer2/issues/921
Justification: FTBFS

This package FTBFS with Plack >= 1.0036, now in unstable:

coercion for "headers" failed: Not an ARRAY reference at /«BUILDDIR»/libdancer2-
perl-0.160001+dfsg/blib/lib/Dancer2/Core/Role/Headers.pm line 16.
    # Child (new_from_plack) exited without calling finalize()

#   Failed test 'new_from_plack'
#   at /usr/share/perl/5.22/Test/Builder.pm line 279.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
# Looks like your test exited with 29 just after 3.
t/classes/Dancer2-Core-Response/new_from.t ............. 

It looks like this is fixed by Dancer2 0.160003.


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