Bug#759324: [libdbd-oracle-perl] conflicts with perl-5.20

Peter J. Holzer hjp at wsr.ac.at
Thu Mar 26 17:30:26 UTC 2015

On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:42:59 +0200 gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Sep 2014 17:06:19 -0500, Julián Moreno Patiño wrote:
> > Sorry for the late reply. I can build it on amd64. 
> Whatever we decide -- so far the package is available on amd64 and
> i386; the latter is no probelm technically with an i386 chroot on
> amd64, it just doubles the work. I guess going back to one
> architecture would not be the best way ...

I have just built in on i386. Not really tested yet but it seems work.
I haven't upgraded any of our amd_64's to debian 8 yet, but I can set up
a VM to build and test it there, too.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer           | I think we need two definitions:
|_|_) | WSR - Softwaredevelopment | 1) The problem the *users* want us to solve
| |   | und Projektunterstützung  | 2) The problem our solution addresses.
__/   | hjp at wsr.ac.at             |    -- Phillip Hallam-Baker on spam
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