Bug#813189: libio-socket-ssl-perl: FTBFS with current libssl1.0.2: t/startssl-failed.t hangs

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Sat Jan 30 10:03:27 UTC 2016

Package: libio-socket-ssl-perl
Version: 2.022-1
Severity: serious
X-Debbugs-Cc: openssl at packages.debian.org

The libio-socket-ssl-perl started hanging in its test suite
with libssl1.0.2 upgrade from 1.0.2e-1 to 1.0.2f-2.

The hanging test is t/startssl-failed.t, and running it
manually shows

 perl t/startssl-failed.t
 ok #Server Initialization
 ok #client tcp connect
 ok #tcp accept
 ok #send non-ssl data

The libio-socket-ssl-perl package is arch:all, the actual extension
linking with libssl is libnet-ssleay-perl. That one is passing its
test suite, and recompiling it with 1.0.2f-2 doesn't change the
situation with libio-socket-ssl-perl.

Another affected package seems to be libnet-https-nb-perl, which is
using libio-socket-ssl-perl.

Cc'ing the openssl maintainers; any ideas? I hope I can make a smaller
test case later, but I'm out of time right now.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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