Bug#815190: dh-make-perl: Accesses apt-file 3 cache directly

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed Mar 23 19:14:42 UTC 2016

On Fri, 19 Feb 2016 22:00:18 +0100, Niels Thykier wrote:

> The dh-make-perl package has code to access the apt-file cache
> directly.  In apt-file 3, this cache is removed (merged into APT's
> cache).
> Please update dh-make-perl accordingly.
>  * Please use "apt-get indextargets [--format ...]" to find the cache
>    files.  The apt-file ones you are interested in should generally be
>    "Created-by: Contents-deb".
>  * Please use "/usr/lib/apt/apt-helper cat-file files ..." for reading
>    the files (to ensure you support all the compression algorithms
>    supported by APT).

I pushed a first try to a branch gregoa/apt-file-3 in the gut repo.

(The changes are a bit intrusive, ripping out all kinds of things and
breaking the tests. But it seems to work :))


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