Bug#837682: libconfig-model-itself-perl: FTBFS in unstable (failing tests)
Dominique Dumont
dod at debian.org
Tue Sep 13 14:46:47 UTC 2016
On Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:55:27 +0200 (CEST) Santiago Vila <sanvila at unex.es> wrote:
> I'm reporting this against libconfig-model-itself-perl because that's
> the package which FTBFS, but of course it is completely possible (and
> maybe likely) that this is still a bug in libconfig-model-perl.
> But I'm no perl expert to tell, so I leave that detail to you. If you
> need to reassign, just do. This time I'm using affects just from the
> beginning as an experiment to see if it works.
Confirmed :-(
Here's what I get on my system:
$ perl -I lib t/itself.t e
ok 1 - compiled
ok 2 - loaded Master model
ok 3 - created master_model instance
ok 4 - loaded some data in master_model instance
ok 5 - dumped master instance
ok 6 - Read Itself::Model and created instance
Configuration item has a configuration model declaration error:
load error: couldn't do .//usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/models/Itself/ConfigWR.d/augeas-backend.pl: No such file or directory
Exception thrown at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/Exception.pm line 69.
Config::Model::Exception::rethrow(Config::Model::Exception::ModelDeclaration=HASH(0x39b3088)) called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/Exception.pm line 64
Config::Model::Exception::throw("Config::Model::Exception::ModelDeclaration", "message", "load error: couldn't do .//usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/model"...) called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model.pm line 1267
Config::Model::_do_model_file(Config::Model=HASH(0x2e88c50), "/usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/models/Itself/ConfigWR.d/augeas"...) called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model.pm line 1227
Config::Model::_load_model_in_hash(Config::Model=HASH(0x2e88c50), HASH(0x2ab1808), "/usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/models/Itself/ConfigWR.d/augeas"...) called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model.pm line 1204
Config::Model::load(Config::Model=HASH(0x2e88c50), "Itself::Class") called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model.pm line 1316
Config::Model::get_model(Config::Model=HASH(0x2e88c50), "Itself::Class") called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/Role/NodeLoader.pm line 27
Config::Model::Role::NodeLoader::load_node(Config::Model::HashId=HASH(0x398a4a8), "element_name", "class", "index_value", "MasterModel", "instance", Config::Model::Instance=HASH(0x38b4780), "parent", Config::Model::Node=HASH(0x38c4218), ...) called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/AnyId.pm line 889
Config::Model::AnyId::auto_vivify(Config::Model::HashId=HASH(0x398a4a8), "MasterModel") called at /usr/share/perl5/Config/Model/AnyId.pm line 688
Config::Model::AnyId::fetch_with_id(Config::Model::HashId=HASH(0x398a4a8), "MasterModel") called at lib/Config/Model/Itself.pm line 332
Config::Model::Itself::read_all(Config::Model::Itself=HASH(0x38c3e10), "root_model", "MasterModel", "legacy", "ignore") called at t/itself.t line 113
Looks like I cannot find a way to handle the removal of '.' from @INC
I may need to avoid using 'do' and revisit completely the way model files are loaded...
Thanks fo r the report
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