Bug#860142: libgeo-ip-perl: incompatible with geoip-database - cannot load

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed Apr 12 20:18:11 UTC 2017

On Wed, 12 Apr 2017 14:15:09 +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:

> it seems there is an incompatibility between the geoip-database shipped in
> Debian and the module Geo::IP.
> Trying to do (according to the docs):
> 	use Geo::IP;
> 	my $gi = Geo::IP->new(GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE);
> 	my $record = $gi->record_by_addr($ip);
> results in:
> 	Invalid database type GeoIP Country Edition, expected GeoIP City Edition, Rev 1
> Same with
> 	my $gi = Geo::IP->open( '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat', GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE );

I haven't tried it yet but my impression is that the record_by_addr()
method wants a city database:

*record_by_addr = \&get_city_record_as_hash;


  use Geo::IP;
  my $gi = Geo::IP->open("/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
  my $record = $gi->record_by_addr('');                               

i.e. city data (GeoIPCity.dat) while the geoip-database package only
ships the country database (GeoIP.dat).

This means that all functions that use the country .dat should work,
and for the city-needing functions one would either need to get the
file from https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/geolite/ or convince
the geoip-database maintainers to ship it (or them: ipv4 + ipv6) in
the package a well.

Ok, now let's try:

Taking the other example from the POD:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Geo::IP;
my $gi = Geo::IP->new(GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE);

my $country = $gi->country_code_by_addr('');
print "$country\n";

$country = $gi->country_code_by_name('yahoo.com');
print "$country\n";

% perl geoip.pl 

Works as expected.

And with
and the other example from the POD which matches your second example:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Geo::IP;
my $gi = Geo::IP->open( '/home/gregoa/tmp/GeoLiteCity.dat', GEOIP_STANDARD );
my $record = $gi->record_by_addr('');
print $record->country_code,

% perl geoip.pl
USUSAUnited StatesNYNew YorkSyracuse1320143.0481-76.1474America/New_York315NA555

(Ok, some linebreaks would be nice).

Good. So my conclusions are:
- Geo::IP works with the geoip-database data as long as only the the
  country data are used;
- for functions which need the city data they have to be downloaded
  manually or should be shipped in geoip-database;
- I think this is, if any, not an RC bug in libgeo-ip-perl; and/or
- maybe a bug in geoip-database? Or just the way it is when working
  with external data ...


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