Bug#871672: libfile-sharedir-perl: files installed from CPAN not installed by apt

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Thu Aug 10 15:39:48 UTC 2017

On Thu, 10 Aug 2017 11:03:36 -0400, Ricardo SIGNES wrote:

> File-ShareDir installs two files to the share directory, sample.txt and
> subdir/sample.txt .  These files can be used for test purposes by downstream
> libraries and, in fact, are used by the tests for Path-Resolver.  This means
> that Path-Resolver's tests from CPAN do not pass if File-ShareDir was installed
> from apt instead of from CPAN, which can lead to confusion on the part of a
> user who just wants to install some libraries and move on.

Oops, sorry for this blunder and thanks for the bug report.
> I don't know the Debian packaging system, but the `rm` in this program seems
> like the likely culprit:
> https://sources.debian.net/src/libfile-sharedir-perl/1.102-1/debian/rules/

Indeed; fixed in -2, uploaded just now.


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