Bug#849363: libtime-format-perl: t/time.t race condition

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Mon Jan 2 18:07:08 UTC 2017

retitle 849363 libtime-format-perl: FTBFS randomly (race condition in t/time.t)
reassign 849363 src:libtime-format-perl
severity 849363 important
found 849363 1.12-3

On Mon, 26 Dec 2016, Niko Tyni wrote:

> Package: libtime-format-perl
> Version: 1.12-3
> User: debian-perl at lists.debian.org
> Usertags: autopkgtest
> This package failed its test suite on ci.debian.net.
>   not ok 78 - current time
>   #   Failed test 'current time'
>   #   at t/time.t line 124.
>   #          got: 'Sun Dec 25 22:30:08 2016'
>   #     expected: 'Sun Dec 25 22:30:07 2016'
>   # Looks like you failed 1 test of 78.
>   Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
>   Failed 1/78 subtests 
> This is clearly a race in the test. I see this comment:
>     # Note that there are two race conditions in the last section, above.
>     # 1: The day or month could change between the first localtime()
>     #         call and the second.
>     # 2: The time (especially the seconds) could change between the
>     #         %time call and the second localtime().
>     # The first is extremely rare; the second more frequent.
>     # Re-run the test suite if there is any doubt.

This actually happened to me while building the package, so I'm
putting this bug in the "FTBFS" category. I attach a failed build log.

[ I would raise this one to serious, but I'm awaiting for reply from the
  RM regarding FTBFS-randomly bugs, so I will sadly end up downgrading
  all of them to important in the meantime ].

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