Bug#828218: libsoftware-license-perl in Debian has become fork of upstream code

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Sun Jan 8 14:36:34 UTC 2017

On Sunday, 8 January 2017 13:05:14 CET Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> For the record: As a direct consequence of this bug, licensecheck 
> testsuite now ignores some failures that occur only when using the 
> Debian fork.

I guess that you are referring to this commit:
where Software::LicenseUtils->new_from_short_name is giving you some trouble
because you rely on a fallback mechanism that is still Debian specific (PR pending since 2015).

For the record, Debian version accepts some more short names than upstream's version.
E.g. BSD-3-clause and expat because I believe they are Debian specific. If you think otherwise, 
feel free to submit a PR upstream.

To have a portable solution, you should use either the documented [1] short names
(e.g. GPL-1 instead of GPL_1) or create Software::License::* objects
directly ( Software::License::GPL_1->new(...))

> I would prefer if you would acknowledge that you are doing a fork, by 
> releasing the differently behaving project under a separate name, so 
> that others can freely choose (by (build-)dependency) which to use.

I'll think about a better solution if PR44 [2] is rejected. 

All the best

[1] https://metacpan.org/pod/Software::LicenseUtils#new_from_short_name
[2] https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Software-License/pull/44
 https://github.com/dod38fr/   -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
http://ddumont.wordpress.com/  -o-   irc: dod at irc.debian.org

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