Bug#865041: libshell-command-perl: versioned Breaks on libextutils-command-perl broken with perl's versioned Provides

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Sun Jun 18 20:00:17 UTC 2017

Package: libshell-command-perl
Version: 0.06-3
Severity: important
User: debian-perl at lists.debian.org
Usertags: versioned-provides perl-5.26-transition

This package is uninstallable with the Perl 5.26 packages
in experimental, which started using versioned Provides.
(This may also happen soonish for the 5.24 packages in sid.)

This is because libshell-command-perl has

 Replaces: libextutils-command-perl (>= 0)
 Breaks: libextutils-command-perl (>= 0)

due to #694395: apparently old separate libextutils-command-perl
packages included Shell::Command so there was a file conflict.

According to


Shell::Command was removed from ExtUtils-Command in 

 1.17  Sat, Feb 28, 2011

so perhaps something like

 Replaces: libextutils-command-perl (<< 1.17~)
 Breaks: libextutils-command-perl (<< 1.17~)

would be more correct?

Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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