Bug#549653: PDF::API2 error embedding g3 compressed TIFF (#549653)

Phil M Perry phil4597 at catskilltech.com
Tue Nov 28 18:50:01 UTC 2017

FYI, this bug (PDF::API2 RT 84665) has been fixed in the PDF::Builder 
fork of PDF::API2 (v 3.009, issue #8). Two items to note:

 1. g3test.pl needs a line  $gfx->image($imgobj, 0,0,
    2528/300*72,3299/300*72); in order to display the image in the PDF.
 2. To use this in PDF::Builder, libtiff.a and the Graphics::TIFF
    library (from Jeffrey Ratcliffe) first need to be installed.

This is not fixed yet in PDF::API2. Jeffrey is trying to get the 
maintainer (Steve Simms) to put in similar code to use Graphics::TIFF.

Phil Perry, owner, PDF::Builder

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